No Loot Boxes or Microtransactions in Monster Hunter: World, According to the Game’s Producer - Videogames Blogs

No Loot Boxes or Microtransactions in Monster Hunter: World, According to the Game’s Producer

If 2017 will be remembered for on key thing in gaming, it will be the year that loot boxes and microtransactions final reached a tipping point. Friction between gamers and developers increased, and high-profile games and studios suffered because of it. Speaking with Trusted Reviews, Monster Hunter: World Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto said that microtransactions don’t make any sense for Capcom’s game, as it could cause friction among players and disrupt or dilute the core monster slaying experience.
“This is a co-op game and you?re going out in up to four-people parties. The idea is that there?s a harmony in the four players going out and you?re going to get on well together. If you feel someone hasn?t earned what they?ve got or they?ve got a better weapon just because they paid for it and you worked for yours, that creates friction,” Tsujimoto indicates that they want players to feel in harmony when out hunting monsters. He goes on to talk about how he wants Monster Hunter: World to be about skilled play, and not money. “Even in a co-op game where it?s not pay-to-win, because we?re all on the same team, it?s like you didn?t earn that or you?ve got it and don?t know how to use it. We don?t want that for Monster Hunter. There are absolutely no plans, it?s not in the game where you can get your random crate or random loot box and get a great item or great weapon. None of the stuff that affects the gameplay is even paid for; it?s all cosmetic, just st...

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