No Way Out – A Dead Realm Tale Review – Slowly Creeping (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

No Way Out – A Dead Realm Tale Review – Slowly Creeping (PS4)

Looking for a few new scares this holiday season" No Way Out ? A Dead Realm Tale may be the virtual reality (VR) game you?re looking for. Whether you like watching others get scared in VR, or enjoy immersing yourself in a scary world where everything is out to get you and you?ve no choice but to push forward, Section Studios and 3BLACKDOT promise ?a spine-tingling twist on the haunted house genre.?
A Mansion Revisited
As the game?s full name implies, No Way Out ? A Dead Realm Tale takes place in the Dead Realm universe. This was a briefly popular PC-only game released by Section Studios and 3BLACKDOT back in 2015; most of that game took place within the grounds of the mansion of a ?long-dead electricity tycoon.? No Way Out presumably takes place in the same mansion, but in such a way that you can only explore the inside of it. William Huxley was the owner of this mansion, and rumors have been swirling about some unclaimed treasure hidden within its walls. A lot of the story?s details are given from a radio that plays newscasts in the room where the whole game starts, not that this is required knowledge in order to enjoy the game.
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