Pantropy Reboot Preview - Videogames Blogs

Pantropy Reboot Preview

Pantropy Reboot is an up and coming independent multiplayer mech game with great potential. The game is still in the last stages of development.  It?s currently on Kickstarter raising funds. The developers have unveiled teaser trailers and a list of gameplay features that look incredibly promising and exciting.

What is Pantropy Reboot"
Pantropy Reboot is a sci-fi game that appears to be a mix of World of Warcraft, Minecraft, and a shooter action game with really cool mechs. The gameplay is ostensibly multiplayer, where players can create their own storyline. It?s currently being released only on PCs. The Germany-based devs say that if the sales are high, the game would become available on Mac and Linux as well.

The developers are planning to add 64 players to the game initially and increase this up to 128. The game is set for a third or fourth quarter release this year. The closed alpha keys will be released in May or July to those who pledge support.
The Story and Graphics
The story is set on a planet called Lethaea, where players become mechs belonging to one of the two in-game factions: Andell or Itokawa, named after interplanetary mining corporations competing for resources in this world. There?s also an enemy NPC faction of ?fearsome biomechanical creatures,? which are controlled by an evil AI.

Players have to advance into enemy territory to take control of strategic resources like mines and power plants. Teams can win by seizing an enemy control tower. S...

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