Players Discover Hidden Message in Metal Gear Survive, ‘KJP FOREVER’ - Videogames Blogs

Players Discover Hidden Message in Metal Gear Survive, ‘KJP FOREVER’

One of the biggest news stories during this generation of consoles has been the split between Hideo Kojima and Konami. If you’ve been living under a gaming news rock, it was a complicated affair that resulted in Kojima being ousted from the studio while rights to the Metal Gear franchise were retained by the company. Kojima went on untethered to begin work on his next masterpiece, Death Stranding, and Konami churned out Metal Gear Survive, an alternate-reality take on Metal Gear Solid V, using the same basic engine and gameplay while inserting survival elements and zombies. It’s getting mixed reviews from most outlets, though our own Tyler Treese seemed to like it quite a bit.
It seems like there are still those within Konami that support Kojima Productions, the developer originally responsible for Metal Gear that was disbanded following the big split. Kojima Productions lives on as Hideo Kojima’s independent new studio, founded in 2015 free from Konami. Keen eyed Metal Gear/Kojima fans have noticed a message in Metal Gear Survive that seems to offer a battlecry of sorts for Kojima’s old (and possibly his new) studio.
Am I the only one who saw ?KoJima Productions FOREVER"? using the first letter of the highlighted code names" @HEITAIs #MetalGearSurvive #MGSurvive
? Michael Yurko (@NourishedPsyche) February 24, 2018

Looking at the first letter of the second word in each codename, the list reads “KJP FOREVE...

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