PlayStation Plus Free Games: Big Games You Have or Small Games You Don’t" - Videogames Blogs

PlayStation Plus Free Games: Big Games You Have or Small Games You Don’t"

Even with the increase to $59.99 per year going into effect on September 22, PlayStation Plus is a great deal. You likely pay more for your phone bill in a month than you do on PS Plus in a year. PS Plus free games, online access, PS Plus sales and deals. These are all things that make the cost of entry more than worth it, even as many gamers basically see $60 a year getting flushed down the toilet Though I’m the type of person to see PlayStation Plus as a great value regardless, this isn’t a conversation about the inherent value of PlayStation Plus, or comparing it to your bevy of other monthly bills. That’s a rant I’ll go off on another time.
Seeing the September PlayStation Plus free games leak got me thinking about where I place value within the Instant Game Collection. It wasn’t too long ago that I was stoked to make full use out of all six games offered. I was easily zipping between my PS4, PS3, and Vita enjoying at least two free games on each, sometimes more with cross-buy. If there were one or two, or hell, even four games I didn’t much care for, I was still guaranteed to be set up with at least one or two games that I was getting enjoyment out of. Lately though, my PS4 has taken precedence, at it seems that’s where Sony’s focus is too. Sure, they might still have PS3 and Vita titles in the Plus lineup, but Plus’ largest benefit is to PS4 owners. As more players adopt the current generation of consoles, more pe...

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