PlayStation VR Hardware Specifications Shed Light on Latency, Refresh Rate and More - Videogames Blogs

PlayStation VR Hardware Specifications Shed Light on Latency, Refresh Rate and More

October 13 is fast approaching and in a bid to educate would-be adopters about the imminent new platform, PS Blog continues to offer up new information regarding PlayStation VR.
The latest info dump concerns the system’s hardware specifications, delving into the technical minutia surrounding PSVR’s latency, refresh rate, frames-per-second and much more. There’s also mention of that all-important Processing Unit, and below you’ll be find a graphic detailing all the necessary inputs and outputs.
In terms of latency, PS Blog notes that for virtual reality, “low latency is critical to delivering an engaging and comfortable VR experience, and PS VR?s latency comes in at less than 18ms (0.018 seconds).” According to studies, 20ms is deemed the highest threshold before users begin to discern visible lag. Refresh rate, meanwhile, clocks in at either 90Hz (90 times per second) or at 120Hz (120 times per second) depending on the game/application in use.
PS VR games and applications utilize a feature called ?reprojection.? This technique takes the last output image at 60Hz and creates a new image at 120Hz based on the latest head movements made by the user. This is not the same as video frame interpolation and does not introduce any lag in the images being presented by the PS VR OLED screen.
Further in the post, the topic of frame rate is brought to the fore. PS Blog states: “There are already games in development that run natively at 90fp...

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