Pretend to Be an Old, Retired Person and Cause Mayhem in ‘Just Die Already’ - Videogames Blogs

Pretend to Be an Old, Retired Person and Cause Mayhem in ‘Just Die Already’

The designers behind Goat Simulator have announced that their ?old people mayhem sandbox game,? Just Die Already, will also release on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The game was previously announced for PC and currently doesn’t have a release date.
Just Die Already is in development at DoubleMoose and will be published by Curve Digital. The game puts players in the shoes of elderly, retired people who’ve been kicked out of their retirement homes. With nothing left to lose, they take on various challenges to earn “retirement tickets to qualify for free retirement care.” Players can go solo or team up with four players in online multiplayer to cause mayhem.

A lengthy, official list of features is as follows:
Be Old, Be Bold ? You get to be an old person. Angry, fragile, poor and hating the world: the dream you didn?t know you had until now. Finally, you have found something in common with your grandparents.
Break a Leg? Break a Neck ? Discover the joys of being old and made of glass, anything can break you and you can break your everything.
Don?t Try This at (a Retirement) Home ? Complete dangerous challenges that you will never ever try at home and answer existential questions like: can you launch yourself from a catapult and land on someone" Or, can you survive losing your head, grabbing it and whacking someone with it"
One Mission: Retire ? Earn rewards by completing dangerous challenges, your goal" To ...

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