Prime the Pump: How Bungie Could Solve Destiny 2’s Current Eververse Problem - Videogames Blogs

Prime the Pump: How Bungie Could Solve Destiny 2’s Current Eververse Problem

For nearly the last year, there?s been a quiet discussion happening online about monetization in Destiny 2. Ever since Bungie split with Activision, there were shouts of ?freedom!? from the masses, though many of us quietly sat back and realized that ending a partnership with a publisher that paid some of the bills wasn?t going to suddenly make cosmetic microtransactions vanish. And for the last year, we?ve seen a number of iterations of Eververse, Destiny 2?s cosmetics store. What?s the latest problem, you ask" I supposed ?problem? is a relative term, though what I?m seeking here is a win/win scenario for both Bungie and Destiny 2 players.
What?s the Problem With Eververse"
Back when Destiny 2 launched, its cosmetic system acted a lot like the one in Overwatch. Every time players would ?level up? in experience, they?d get a Bright Engram, which would then decrypt into random cosmetic items from that particular Season of content. So the more you played, the more Seasonal cosmetics you got, and Bright Engrams could also be purchased for real-world money (by purchasing Silver, which could be used to buy Bright Engrams). To further complicate things, Eververse cosmetic items would break down into a currency called Bright Dust if dismantled, which could be used to purchase specific non-randomized cosmetic items when they would rotate into the Eververse inventory.
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