PS3 Production Was Reportedly Held Up By a Small $0.05 Component, Shift from Red Lasers to Blue - Videogames Blogs

PS3 Production Was Reportedly Held Up By a Small $0.05 Component, Shift from Red Lasers to Blue

The original 2006 launch date of the PS3 has always seemed peculiar when you consider the Xbox 360 released almost a full year earlier in November 2005, but that year delay was not always the intention. Apparently, PS3 production was slowed due to a manufacturing issue with the laser diode on the Blu-ray drive, a component that only costs $0.05. The delay in production gave Microsoft the upper hand at first, allowing it to launch with a year head start.
This news comes courtesy of IGN following an interview with former PlayStation executive Phil Harrison, who now serves as Google?s VP. The publication discussed the PS3?s launch schedule and when the topic of the year-long delay was brought up, Harrison had this to say:

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