PS4’s Best-Selling Fighting Games Headlined by Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z, and Injustice - Videogames Blogs

PS4’s Best-Selling Fighting Games Headlined by Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z, and Injustice

To say that Mortal Kombat is the most successful fighting game series in the United States might be a (fatal) understatement. After all, Mortal Kombat X is the best-selling PS4 fighting game in the country, followed by the recently released Mortal Kombat 11. But that?s not the only NetherRealm Studios game that?s taken the US audience by storm. Superhero fighting game Injustice 2 is the third best-selling fighting game in the United States, making a fitting trifecta of NetherRealm goodness at the top, followed by Dragon Ball FighterZ and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
Recently, industry analyst guru Mat Piscatella of the NPD group took to Twitter to share some interesting video game sales stats for the United States. A Twitter user asked him to list the top-selling fighting games on PS4, which you can find below:
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ARK: Winter Wonderland 4
