PS4 Messages Not Working Currently - Videogames Blogs

PS4 Messages Not Working Currently

In a shocking development, there are currently some issues with the PlayStation Network. Thankfully this isn’t impacting games online as of yet, but currently users find themselves unable to send messages through PSN. Those that attempt to use the messages functionality are greeted with an error message (pictured above): WS-37505-0.
While Sony has an error code look-up website, typing in this error gives no results. Instead it just says that “We couldn?t find a matching error. Please check and try again.” So, that’s not exactly helpful in solving the issue. That means players will just have to wait until things are resolved on Sony’s end for things to get better. Likewise, Sony’s status site for the PlayStation Network says that everything is currently working. That site isn’t always the best way to figure out if there’s a problem, though. We’ll make sure to keep players updated if anything changes with the PS4 messages not working.
In the meantime, let us know if you’re experiencing the issue. Are PS4 messages not working for you" Let us know in the comments below, and feel free to commiserate with fellow PlayStation 4 owners.
The post PS4 Messages Not Working Currently appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.


This Week on Xbox: 2/24/2017
