PS4, PSVR & PS Vita New Releases This Week: May 22 – Time to Become Human - Videogames Blogs

PS4, PSVR & PS Vita New Releases This Week: May 22 – Time to Become Human

Big week for PS4 new releases, as gamers will be treated to Dark Souls: Remastered, Detroit: Become Human, PixelJunk Monsters 2, and Space Hulk: Deathwing. PSVR owners will get into enjoy a trip into the world of One Piece, and Vita owners finally get a chance at Stardew Valley.
*All games/content are releasing in North America and Europe, unless otherwise noted
Please check out the full list of releases below:
PlayStation 4

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (Digital) – Out 5/24
Dark Souls: Remastered (Digital, Retail) – Out 5/25
Detroit: Become Human (Digital, Retail) – Out 5/25
Disco Dodgeball – Remix (Digital)
Dungeon Rushers (Digital) – Out 5/25
Everspace (Digital)
Gorogoa (Digital)
H1Z1: Battle Royale (Digital)
I Hate Running Backwards (Digital) PixelJunk Monsters 2 (Digital) – Out 5/25
Shio (Digital)
Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition (Digital, Retail)
Super Hyperactive Ninja (Digital)
Tennis World Tour (Digital)

PlayStation VR

One Piece Grand Cruise (Digital)

PlayStation Vita

7’sCarlet (Digital) – Out 5/25
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (Digital) – Out 5/24
Defender’s Quest: Valley of the Forgotten DX (Digital) – Out 5/24
Stardew Valley (Digital, Cross Buy)

*Keep in mind that all release dates are subject to change, and more games/DLC will likely be added during the PlayStation Store updates in North America and Europe on Tuesday. For PlayStation VR game requirements, be sure to check out th...

A Knight's Quest: Brave - Announcement Trailer | PS4
