PSX 2016 – EVE: Valkyrie Gatecrash Update Preview – PS4 Pro-Upgraded (PSVR) - Videogames Blogs

PSX 2016 – EVE: Valkyrie Gatecrash Update Preview – PS4 Pro-Upgraded (PSVR)

Virtual Reality had a massive presence at Sony?s annual PlayStation Experience event. One of the most obvious examples of this was CCP Games? EVE: Valkyrie booth. Sporting lines upwards of three hours, it was also one of the most popular, even if the game has been out for a bit (peep our review here). We managed to get some head-on time with the game running on the latest patch and PlayStation 4 Pro while at the event, and have a preview ready below.
Cool Setup, CCP!
EVE: Valkyrie definitely had one of the more unique booth setups at PSX. There were several cockpits on either side of the booth, separating teams out automatically. Each booth was itself a mockup of the cockpits of one of the actual ships from the game. Inside the cockpit was everything you needed to play ? a PS4 Pro, Camera, VR headset, and DualShock 4. Once an attendant wiped down the VR headset and assisted you with setup, you were off in one of the coolest gaming setups seen in quite a while. Alright, so, admittedly, the typical gamer?s setup won?t be so elaborate. But the basics of the game could be picked up easily in this kind of environment. If you?ve played EVE: Valkyrie before, then not much has changed in terms of controls. Head-tracking is still very freeing, and necessary in the case of certain weapons. EVE: Valkyrie remains one of the coolest examples of intense VR action done right.
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