Quantic Dream Seemingly Not Ruling Out the Possibility of Detroit: Become Human Sequel - Videogames Blogs

Quantic Dream Seemingly Not Ruling Out the Possibility of Detroit: Become Human Sequel

Quantic Dream boss David Cage recently held a Reddit Ask-Me-Anything session, in which he answered numerous fan questions about the studio’s hit title, Detroit: Become Human. The game was well-received by fans and is already Quantic Dream’s most successful project to date, leading many to wonder if Cage will change his stance on making sequels.
Despite community requests, Quantic Dream refused to develop Heavy Rain 2, stating that it wants to move on and work on new stories. But it seems that Cage isn’t entirely ruling out the possibility of a Detroit: Become Human sequel.
“We will work on a sequel if we feel we have ideas, passion and excitement to do it, and if we feel we have something more to say about this world,” Cage told Reddit. “We are driven by passion more than anything, although it is not always something reasonable… but we enjoyed working on Detroit a lot, and there are many exciting stories that could be told in this world for sure.” However, he reiterated that Quantic Dream doesn’t want to work on the sequel just to make “easy money.” What about DLC, you ask" Cage teased that he’s not ready to announce anything yet but between people wanting a full sequel and character DLCs, the studio will “need to make a choice.”
When one Redditor quizzed Cage about Heavy Rain‘s cancelled DLC, he revealed that Quantic Dream initially wanted to tell each character’s backgrou...
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