Read the Tekken 7 Update 1.12 Patch Notes - Videogames Blogs

Read the Tekken 7 Update 1.12 Patch Notes

Tekken 7 update 1.12 is now available to download. The big thing is that it adds compatibility for the upcoming Noctis DLC. PC owners will also get some new online stability adjustments, while it also adds “Nvidia ShadowPlay Highlights functionality.” The patch is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Check out the official Tekken 7 update 1.12 patch notes (translation via Wonkey from the Zaibatsu Discord):
For PS4, XB1 & Steam

Added DLC 3 Noctis Lucis Caelum compatibility
Overall game and online stability adjustments For Steam

Added Nvidia ShadowPlay Highlights functionality

Works in Versus and Ranked Match, Player Match & Tournament Mode ShadowPlay Highlights captures the following gameplay moments: Rage Art round finishes
‘Great’ victories
Super Slow Motion activations
High damaging and high hit count combos. (at least 50, 70 or 85 damage with more than 10 hits)
Online Matches, win or lose. (This option is off by default, you can turn it on in Nvidia settings.)
Online Matches with an opponent with higher than 5 win streaks.
Ranked Match promotions.

For more on the fighting game, check out our Tekken 7 review.  Here?s what reviewer Paulmichael Contreras had to say about Bandai Namco?s latest when it released earlier this year:
Tekken 7 remains an addicting technical fighter that constantly beckons you for just one more round. There are so many moves for each character, mastering even one complete move set will take not...

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