Report: PS5 Reveal Set for June 4th, According to Well Known Games Journalist - Videogames Blogs

Report: PS5 Reveal Set for June 4th, According to Well Known Games Journalist

When is the PS5 reveal" That?s the question on everyone?s minds in the gaming community as we march ever forward towards the holiday 2020 next-gen launch window. Rumors have been swirling since early this year regarding a February event, with the goalposts constantly shifting each time a rumored reveal date comes and goes with no new PS5 news. A new report from games journalist Jeff Grub (of VentureBeat/GamesBeat) says that the PS5 reveal event is ?currently planned for June 4.? That?s just a hair later than the currently rumored May date that dominates most speculation.
Grubb?s comments come via the Resetera forum. It was a reply to a user posted yesterday in a long-running PS5 info thread saying they were ?expecting today?s random Tuesday to be the one with the reveal event info,? a reference to Sony?s habit of just dropping most PS5 news tidbits suddenly with little to no fanfare. Both 2019 Wired articles talking about the PS5 and this month?s DualSense controller reveal were very casually revealed, though the reveal of the logo at CES 2020 and Mark Cerny?s ?formerly a GDC tech talk but now being used to maintain the conversation about next gen despite being a very technical presentation? were hotly anticipated. Because of the unorthodox approach to its next-gen reveal so far?not to mention the pandemic raging on our doorsteps?it?s hard to guess Sony?s next steps regarding the PS5 reveal.
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