Respawn Explains How Ranked Leagues Will Work in Season 2 of Apex Legends - Videogames Blogs

Respawn Explains How Ranked Leagues Will Work in Season 2 of Apex Legends

Respawn Entertainment has provided details on how the new Ranked Leagues will work in Apex Legends, once Season 2 drops on July 2, 2019. The studio had previously confirmed that there will be multiple tiers to the game?s Ranked Leagues and players would earn rewards based on what tier they are in once each Series ends. Now, the studio has further explained the system and all of its intricacies, so players can better understand just what they are in for when participating in Ranked Leagues.

Apex Legends will have both Seasons and Ranked League Series. (Series won?t always coincide with Seasons.) So while Season 2 begins on July 2, 2019, the first Ranked Series will be held from July-September 2019. In the future, Series may not always coincide with Seasons so easily.
Once you hop into a Ranked Series, you?ll find different tier leagues suited to your skill. With this first Series in Apex Legends Sesaon 2, everyone will start out in Bronze IV, the lowest Bronze tier. However, in the future there will be starting placements depending on performances. Each tier will help pair you against teams suited to your rank, with Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond all having four divisions marked by Roman numerals and the highest tier, Apex Predator, having no divisions at all. Your tier determines the rewards you earn.
Just be careful who you team up with. If you go into Ranked Leagues in Apex Legends with a premade team, the highest member rank determines the team as a wh...

State of Play | 24th September 2019
