RUMOR: Final Fantasy VII Remake Leaks Character Updates, Combat Changes, and Additional Details - Videogames Blogs

RUMOR: Final Fantasy VII Remake Leaks Character Updates, Combat Changes, and Additional Details

Square Enix calmed the concern of those worried about the state of the Final Fantasy VII Remake during Sony?s State of Play earlier this month. The studio released a new trailer for the game and promised more info to come in June (possibly with a PlayStation Plus-exclusive demo, too!). This weekend, a large haul of Final Fantasy VII Remake leaks was supposedly released by someone either working within Square Enix?s El Segundo branch or with close ties to it. This part of the organization focuses mostly on localizing Square?s games for the North American region, so they don?t have a lot of large-scale pieces of information (outside of the fundamentals of the game), but the info provided in this leak is interesting nonetheless.
Please also keep in mind that these bits of information are just rumors until confirmed by Square Enix. As we head into E3, there are bound to be a lot of false rumors and leaks, so take all of this information with a large grain of salt.
Also note that there are some potential spoilers here, if you are still in the dark on Final Fantasy VII?s story.
Some Basics, According to The Final Fantasy VII Remake Leak
Immediately following the State of Play during which the trailer was shown, Square Enix reiterated the Final Fantasy VII Remake is still planned to release in ?multiple parts.? According to this weekend?s ?leak,? the studio plans to release the game in two parts. The first part will cover the beginning of the game up to the point where Aerith m...

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