Rumor: Mortal Kombat Developer NetherRealm May be Working on a Marvel Fighting Game - Videogames Blogs

Rumor: Mortal Kombat Developer NetherRealm May be Working on a Marvel Fighting Game

Mortal Kombat and Injustice developer NetherRealm Studios may be hard at work on a Marvel fighting game, according to a new rumor. The rumor starts with industry insider Daniel Richtman, though there are a few other tantalizing hints that could lend some additional weight to the rumor in context.
NetherRealm Marvel Fighting Game
Insider Daniel Richtman claims that NetherRealm has a Marvel fighting game currently in production. Marvel Comics characters are no strangers to fighting games, and NetherRealm has also had its hand in a few comic-related games of its own, so it seems like a perfect fit. Richtman doesn’t have any additional details about story, estimated release dates, or otherwise, except to say that the rumored NetherRealm Marvel fighting game is currently in development at the studio for the next-gen consoles. MinnMaxx’s Ben Hanson threw some additional kindling on the rumor by posting a clip from a 2019 interview with NetherRealm’s Ed Boon, in which he not-so-subtly teased that the studio had at least had talks with Marvel.
? Ben Hanson (@yozetty) April 27, 2021

“Have you ever had one conversation with Marvel about making a fighting game"” Hanson asks, to which Boon replies “Yes!” with wide eyes.
“What.." When"” Hanson asks. Boon grimaces, smiles, and looks away. “Uhhh… I did, but I… uh… probably shouldn’t talk ...

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