Skull & Bones Won’t Appear at Today’s Ubisoft Forward; The Game Will Resurface in 2021 - Videogames Blogs

Skull & Bones Won’t Appear at Today’s Ubisoft Forward; The Game Will Resurface in 2021

Ubisoft?s second Ubisoft Forward goes live today and will apparently feature new games and a few surprises. Don?t place the long-in-development Skull & Bones on your UbiForward bingo board, though. The studio behind the project, Ubisoft Singapore, has confirmed the pirate game won?t make an appearance. In fact, it seems possible the game will remain absent from the public eye for some time, considering the ?new vision? being pursued.
In a news post on the publisher?s website, Creative Director Elisabeth Pellen divulges that production on Skull & Bones is in ?full swing with a new vision.? Even though its appearance at today?s Ubisoft Forward is off the table, plans are currently underway to present the pirate adventure ?sometime in the future.? According to Pellen?s update, the title?s ?comeback? is slated for next year. The Creative Director promises the wait will be worth it in the end.
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