Sony Says PlayStation VR Is Safe For Your Eyes, Recommends You Take Hourly Breaks - Videogames Blogs

Sony Says PlayStation VR Is Safe For Your Eyes, Recommends You Take Hourly Breaks

Although a doctor recently warned of potentially serious eye problems for the next generation of people with the rise of virtual reality, Sony says PlayStation VR is safe for your eyes. In their FAQ for PSVR, Sony said, “Yes [it’s safe for your eyes]. But as with all display devices (TVs, mobile phones, tablets, etc), we recommend taking 15 minute breaks every hour.”
Sony also brought up the fact that PSVR is designed to be the most comfortable headset on the market, but again, you should take 15 minutes breaks every hour:
PS VR has been designed to be the most comfortable VR headset on the market, and it can be worn for extended periods of time. However, due to the intensity of some of the VR experiences, we recommend you to take 15 minute breaks every hour when using PS VR. As for the possibility of becoming nearsighted with prolonged use of PlayStation VR, Sony said that won’t happen because of the distance of the images:
No [you won’t become nearsighted with prolonged use]. Actually the focal distance of the images presented by PS VR is at a distance of about 8 feet. This is similar to the optimal viewing distance required to view a 60? TV. Again, we recommend taking 15 minute breaks every hour when using PS VR, just like when viewing other display devices.
If you want to wear glasses while using PSVR, the headset is designed to allow people to wear them, and you can telescope the lens to get the right fit. For nearsighted people who want...

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