Soon, You Can Experience the Horrors of The Persistence Without PlayStation VR - Videogames Blogs

Soon, You Can Experience the Horrors of The Persistence Without PlayStation VR

If you thought developer Firesprite Games had closed the book on updating PlayStation VR?s The Persistence, you were wrong. Updates are still rolling out, and an upcoming free one will give players access to a version of the sci-fi horror game sans the PSVR requirement. This new version, The Persistence: Complete Edition, is currently due out on an unspecified date in Summer 2019.
But the non-VR option isn?t all that?s on the docket. Firesprite Games has added a number of other changes that intend to greatly improve the overall experience. Game Director Stuart Tilley took to the PlayStation Blog to outline the studio?s plans for The Persistence?s forthcoming new version. Players who already own the title for the PlayStation VR will have access to the update for free. At present, a price has yet to be provided for those interested in picking up the game for the first time.
The following trailer for The Persistence: Complete Edition accompanied the news. Check it out in the video below:

A few of the new features and changes include those updates to the graphics, camera animation alterations, and changes to the gameplay, controls, presentation, and user interface. On the graphical side of things, Firesprite will enhance The Persistence, so it can achieve a 4K resolution at 60 frames per second for the PS4 Pro. Lighting and particle effects will undergo an overhaul, to make the world feel ?more atmospheric.? New camera animations will increase the ?natural sense of moveme...

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