Talking Game Rentals, Digital vs. Physical, and Game Selection with Redbox’s Daisy Yuhas - Videogames Blogs

Talking Game Rentals, Digital vs. Physical, and Game Selection with Redbox’s Daisy Yuhas

PlayStation LifeStyle recently had the opportunity to speak with Daisy Yuhas, the Senior Marketing Manager for Video Games at Redbox, and Redbox’s Head of Public Relations Kate Brennan. With digital media seemingly growing and physical media on the decline, we were surprised to find that the company was more confident in their place within the marketplace than previous years. Check out our interview to find out why they feel that way, how they decide upon what games to carry, and much more.
PlayStation LifeStyle: So, obviously Redbox is mostly known for movies, but how big are video games for you" Do you want to keep expanding in that direction in the future"
Daisy Yuhas: Yes, absolutely. We see quite the opportunity for the market. We are one of the only ones that you can do game rentals across the nation, and there?s quite the opportunity to see a crossover between the people that are renting movies and then the people who want to consume video games as an entertainment option. We?re a small portion of the business just because movies have been around a lot longer than video games has for Redbox. We launched nationwide in 2011 for video games, while Redbox as a whole is going on 15 years. But yes, we?re a smaller portion but we look forward to continuing to grow that and we see a lot of opportunity as people are continuing to adapt to the Xbox One and PS4 consoles. That casual gamer that we speak to, which is not the hardcore gamer, they are starting to ...

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