Ten Years of Trophies: PlayStation Trophies are a Decade Old - Videogames Blogs

Ten Years of Trophies: PlayStation Trophies are a Decade Old

Back on July 2, 2008, the PlayStation Network launched the first ever Trophies for PlayStation 3 games. Sony was a bit late to the game as Microsoft had achievements instituted three years before that in 2005. As excited as I was for PlayStation games to finally get the trophy system, I wasn’t really there at the outset. On June 10, 2008 I had been in a pretty bad motorcycle wreck–one that sent me in and out of hospitals for surgeries and full of medications that left me less than coherent for the next couple of months. Trophy supported games were also quite rare in those early days. I spent much of 2008 playing and replaying Metal Gear Solid 4, which didn’t get a trophy update until 2012.
The first game that had trophies was Super Stardust HD. My first trophy came on October 12, 2008 in Linger in Shadows, a game that was more of a tech demo and had one of the easiest trophy lists on the PS3. Soon after that, games like Dead Space, Rock Band 2, Resistance 2, and LittleBigPlanet added to my trophy list, bringing my total to 176 trophies by the end of the year. Oh, sweet summer child. I look at that number now and shake my head. I thought I was really excited about trophies back then, but to look at me now, you’d never know it. My first Platinum trophy came on May 18, 2009. Platinum Trophies equate to Xbox’s 1000 Gamerscore meaning that you’ve effectively completed everything the game tasked you with doing. That first Platinum got me hook...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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