theHunter: Call of the Wild Bugs Detailed After Update 1.05 - Videogames Blogs

theHunter: Call of the Wild Bugs Detailed After Update 1.05

theHunter: Call of the Wild update 1.05 recently released, and added a ton of content to the hunting game. Unfortunately, it also added some nasty bugs. For example, player’s 7mm Express Rifle, 12G Gamekeeper Shotgun and .44 Wildcat went missing. Thankfully this bug has been found and will be fixed in a future update. The developer has posted a full list of theHunter: Call of the Wild bugs for players to keep an eye out for.
Here’s the full list of theHunter: Call of the Wild bugs from the 1.05 update:
Missing 7mm Empress Rifle, 12G Gamekeeper Shotgun, and .44 Wildcat ? we have located the cause of this particular error and will correct it via an additional patch. No action from players is needed and nothing will be lost.
Issue with .270 ?Stradivarius? rifle. This particular rifle was planned as upcoming content but it has been added early, full functionality will be coming soon. Apologies for any confusion caused. Unable to open/play Medved-Taiga. Please read here for more information:
Performance related issues (PS4) ? we are currently monitoring reports and investigating potential solutions. As this is not affecting all players we are keen to get some information to aid our investigations, more specifically save files.
For even more on the hunting game, check out our theHunter: Call of the Wild review. Here’s a snippet of what we had to say:
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