This Week’s Photography Challenge in Tomb Raider

This next theme has arrived for Shadow of the Tomb Raider?s photo-mode challenge: air-time. Square Enix encourages all players to send in their screenshots of Lara Croft in the midst of her renowned gravity-defying moments. Winners, as well as runner-ups, will be featured by the developers on the Tomb Raider twitter page. Just post your photo on twitter with the #SOTTR_photocontest hashtag to enter. Last week?s theme was ?wildlife,? which encouraged players to take photos of Lara interacting with any of the game?s many exotic animals. The week before that called for Lara?s stealthier side, requesting photos of her slinking through the shadows.
We?ve seen a dramatic increase in the implementation of photo modes in recent titles, especially with the likes of Spider-Man, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and God of War. The attention to detail in creating accessible photography features reach a near professional level in some of these games, which can serve as a surprising introduction to the art for beginners that wish to tackle photography in the real world. There are plenty of other games in development that will continue this practice, and the list is ongoing. Photo mode is growing quickly, but there are plenty of games deserving a photo mode that continue to go without.
Which games do you wish had a photo mode, and which are you excited to take photos in" Let us know down in the comments!
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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