Today’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Update Comes With Transmog and Support for Ostara Festival - Videogames Blogs

Today’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Update Comes With Transmog and Support for Ostara Festival

Ubisoft has deployed Assassin’s Creed Valhalla title update 1.2.0, which added in-game support for the Ostara festival alongside transmog, new skills, and a close camera option.
The update weighs around 12 GB on the PlayStation 4 and 5. Patch notes are as follows:
Ostara Festival

The Ostara Festival will be available from March 18 to April 8. It will feature a bloomy Ravensthorpe, some unique side activities (such as egg hunts), and special rewards.
We?ll provide more details about the Ostara Season content in the First Look article coming March 18.

Change Appearance / Transmog

Change your gear and weapon appearance within the same category of items at Gunnar?s blacksmith in Ravensthorpe for 50 silver. ?This piece was already exceptionally beautiful, but if there?s anyone who could improve it, it?s me!? ?Gunnar Changed items will be marked with a star in the inventory.

New Skills

Fearless Leaper = When activated, the leap attack damage has a larger area of effect and can be done at any height.
Raven?s Loot = Your raven gathers loot from targets killed with ranged attacks.
Loot Food = Eivor now has a higher chance of looting food from dead bodies.

Close Camera Option

Once toggled, it will activate a closer camera during regular gameplay.
The camera will zoom out during combat encounters.
The option can be toggled in the Gameplay menu.


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