Top 5 Things We Want to See in Destiny 2 - Videogames Blogs

Top 5 Things We Want to See in Destiny 2

With Activision unofficially announcing that Destiny 2 is a real thing and seems to be set to come out later this year, the PlayStation LifeStyle crew huddled and talked about the Destiny 2 features that we think should be in the sequel to make it be the game that Bungie wants it to be.
While we don’t know a lot of things about the sequel, we do know what we want to see in terms of Destiny 2 features. For this week’s Top 5 Tuesday video feature, the big Destiny fans of the staff list down just what we want tweaked, upgraded or outright changed in the follow up. Agree with our list for the Destiny 2 stuff we want to see in the sequel" Did we miss anything" Let us know what you think in the comments, Guardians!
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