V-Rally 4’s Extreme-Khana Mode Will Test Your Driving Skills - Videogames Blogs

V-Rally 4’s Extreme-Khana Mode Will Test Your Driving Skills

Driving in V-Rally 4’s newest mode will truly push your skills to the limit. An in-depth look at Extreme-Khana, V-Rally 4’s final discipline, has been released, showing how careful you’ll need to be on the road.

Extreme-Khana will focus on drifting and your ability to master it, but you’ll need to know about more than drifting to excel. It is billed as the hardest of all V-Rally 4’s disciplines. You’ll have to have a firm grasp on the other four if you want to make it through unscathed. It will send you around the world on tests, meaning you could find yourself in an empty warehouse or a barren desert.
V-Rally 4

V-Rally 4

V-Rally 4

V-Rally 4

V-Rally 4

V-Rally 4

V-Rally 4

The reveal of Extreme-Khana comes after looks at the other four disciplines. V-Rally Cross and Buggy were revealed in June 2018, while Rally and Hillclimb got the spotlight back i...
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