Valkyria Chronicles 4 Details More Characters, Research and Development - Videogames Blogs

Valkyria Chronicles 4 Details More Characters, Research and Development

Sega has updated the official website for the upcoming Valkyria Chronicles 4 with new information on a variety of characters, including Miles Abegg, Dan Bentley, Ronald Albee, as well as tanks and researched and development features in the game. The information revealed only skims the surface on the players, revealing what they do in the gamed stopping just short of giving away anything. You can find all the information on Gematsu (who translated the information), and a brief description of character Miles Abegg below:
Edinburgh Army 101st Division No. 1 Battle Brigade No. 32 Armored Ranger Battalion Squad E tank driver and mechanic; corporal. He was a diligent honors student during his time at the military academy, where he was in a class behind Claude. He is calm and can handle anything with ease. He gets along with everyone, but on the flip side has few deep relationships. The unreliable-sounding statements he makes stand out, but he also has the composure to take things so dryly that it surprises those around him. Since he majored in the subject of tank driving and repair, he definitely has skills. Having trained with Claude since the academy, he trusts Claude as a commander and believes him to be the best at unleashing the potential of a tank. His hobby is photography. Even though the game isn?t coming for a couple of months, SEGA has been releasing info at a fairly steady rate. Just last week, they revealed Ragnarok, a medic dog that will work together with Karen Stu...

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