YouTuber PS4Trophies Breaks World Record by Earning 50 Platinum Trophies in One 20-Hour Sitting - Videogames Blogs

YouTuber PS4Trophies Breaks World Record by Earning 50 Platinum Trophies in One 20-Hour Sitting

Renowned YouTuber and trophy hunter PS4Trophies (Brian) has just set a world record by earning 50 platinum trophies in one 20-hour sitting. The YouTuber?s goal was to earn 50 platinums in 24 hours, which he surpassed by a noticeable amount and did so via a live-stream. There were a few stipulations Brian put in place to achieve his goal, along with some more general info about what it took to set up the endeavor:

PS4 games only, no Vita or PS3 (means no cross-save instant platinums either)
He had to play new games on his main account, no replaying games he?s already earned the platinum for
Stacking is allowed, this allows him to play the same game from a different region with a separate trophy list
He had to create a new account to purchase games from different regions and use a PSN card specific to that region (though still used his main account to actually play the games) All games were provided by publisher Ratalaika
The stream was intended to end when Brian reached 50 platinums or 24 hours, whichever came first
He needed to average 28:48 per game to achieve his goal, including loading times
Brian scheduled breaks every couple hours, clock continued to run during breaks
These are easy games, that?s the point
Based on his calculations, the entire endeavor can be completed in 19-20 hours
His PSN ID is PS_4Trophies

Unfortunately, the stream cannot be watched now, but you can check Brian?s PSN account to verify his accomplishment. If you look at the timestamps, you can c...

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