A Plague Tale : Innocence - Sean Bean - The Little Boy Lost - Videogames Blogs

A Plague Tale : Innocence - Sean Bean - The Little Boy Lost

A Plague Tale: Innocence - Sean Bean takes players into the game?s universe with deeply touching poetry

A Plague Tale: Innocence is now available on Xbox One. In celebration of Asobo Studio's dark adventure, we?ve collaborated with Sean Bean for the production of a touching and intimate video dedicated to A Plague Tale. The Hollywood star demonstrates his talent with a brilliant reading of one of William Blake?s most beloved poems.

Sean Bean, best known for his work in The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, offers a touching reading of The Little Boy Lost. This deeply moving poem sublimes the stunning images from the game, and perfectly illustrates Amicia and Hugo?s journey through a war-torn medieval France. Much of William Blake?s material shares A Plague Tale?s themes of childhood innocence and loss, serving as a source of creative inspiration for the team when developing the game.
To learn more about A Plague Tale: Innocence, why not check out our narrative website experience, introducing the characters and world of this beautiful, dangerous story.

A Plague Tale: Innocence is now available on Xbox One.

Source: Xbox
URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/xbox

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