Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Beginner Guide ft. Chad Grenier

Nintendo Minute is never a minute! Today we?re joined by Chad Grenier the director of Apex Legends to talk about the game and get some tips for beginners. We?re so excited that this game is coming to Nintendo Switch on March 9 and we hope you are too. As always, thanks so much for watching and we?ll see you next week!
0:00 ? Let?s learn all about Apex Legends from the director of the game, Chad Grenier
0:48 ? YOUR challenge is to see how much loot you can find in this video. Tell us in the comments!
1:22 ? Tip 1 ? Stay with your Jumpmaster
2:03 ? Tip 2 ? Choose the right character
5:14 ? Tip 3 ? Get. The. LOOT!
6:20 ? Tip 4 ? Don?t get burned in the Hot Zone
7:57 ? Tip 5 ? Ping, ping and ping again
8:33 ? Tip 6 ? Gyro is your friend
For more videos like this, check these out:
Apex Legends is available on Nintendo Switch 03.09.21: https://nintendo.com/games/detail/apex-legends-switch/
#ApexLegends #NintendoMinute #NintendoSwitch
-Kit & Krysta
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