DOOM Eternal ? Hell on Earth Gameplay Reveal Pt. 1 | PS4 - Videogames Blogs

DOOM Eternal ? Hell on Earth Gameplay Reveal Pt. 1 | PS4

Watch the DOOM Slayer rip and tear through a true Hell on Earth in the first gameplay reveal video of DOOM Eternal.

Unleash your ultimate power fantasy with an arsenal of weapons, including the Super Shotgun's new Meat Hook mod, an extendable blade, and the shoulder-mounted rocket with flame thrower to wreak havoc on Hell's onslaught of demons. Battle against re-imagined classic DOOM demons like the Pain Elemental and Arachnotron across locations like Earth, Phobos, and beyond.
ESRB RATING PENDING: May contain content inappropriate for children. Visit for rating information.

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Source: PlayStation

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