Hades Characters RANKED w/ Supergiant Games ? Round 1

Nintendo Minute is never a minute! We?re are so excited today to have special guest Greg Kasavin, Creative Director of Hades join us today for the first of a four part series ranking Hades characters! The game is filled with so many awesome and interesting characters so we created a very scientific way to rank them. Be sure to stay tuned for this whole series to see which character makes it to the top. As always, thanks so much for watching and we?ll see you very soon!
For more videos like this, check these out:
https://www.youtube.com/watch"v=0_eYII4g6TQ https://www.youtube.com/watch"v=K3xlkZXL4SM
-Kit & Krysta
#NintendoMinute #Hades #NintendoSwitch
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