Hades Characters RANKED w/ Supergiant Games ? Round 3

Nintendo Minute is never a minute! We made it to round 3 of our Hades character bracket. It?s very exciting that we?re getting closer to finding out who made it to the top. Today we?re back with Greg Kasavin, creative director of Hades and we?re talking about characters with the best story. What do you think" Tell us who you think has the best story in the comment section below. Be sure to tune back in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion of this series and find out who will be the winner! As always, thanks so much for watching and we?ll see you tomorrow!
For more videos like this, check these out! https://www.youtube.com/watch"v=V_KjdTwViCs
-Kit & Krysta
#NintendoMinute #HadesGame
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