TU12 Seed & Map: zaq49 - Videogames Blogs

TU12 Seed & Map: zaq49

Total VRIM Score29.5 / 40.0 ( 73.8% ) Individual Scores (MAX: 10.0)VIS9.3 REAL8.4 INT6.0 MAG5.8
Photos Map
Rating Beginner Intermediate Advanced ++ Expert ++ Suicidal Expert Nightmare Technical DetailsSeed Number: 115 669 560
Version: XBL 1.5 (TU12) (PC equiv 1.2.3) NotesThe ravine complex is what sold me, plus there's a lot of red stone and diamonds just floating out there in the open, so that's pretty sweet. Villages [-204.70.-204] village, x7, water well, pumpkins Underground [-242.31.-96] abandoned mineshaft, x1 diamond, x14 red stone, small underground ravine [-313.19.-374] large cavern, x1 diamond, x6 red stone [-346.15.-365] x4 diamond, x7 gold Above Ground [-257.65.-89] small erosion, coal [-392.66.-159] deep cave [-53.78.-299] small crater [-83.74.-270] dead drop into deep cave [3.66.289] super thin, super small ravine [-152.78.347] medium mushroom island [-402.65.147] multi-ravine super complex, abandoned mineshaft [12.46.34] ender portal, x1 eye
URL: http://xboxminecraftseed.blogspot.com

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