‘Another Eden’ Guide: Cheats and Tips to Win and Get Free Chronos Stones

In a world of cookie cutter mobile RPGs, Another Eden (Free) stands out for its expansive story and commitment to letting you play for long sessions without asking you for money. And yes, it’s technically ANOTHER EDEN, all caps, but I don’t think it’s polite to yell in my guides.
The story of Another Eden is really a big selling point. Even though it relies on a pretty well-worn trope of time travel and collecting companions from different times/worlds/what have you, it throws a few wrinkles into the former and doesn’t beat you over the head with the latter.
In fact, even though it uses a gacha-type system for adding characters to your roster, the game doesn’t even emphasize that all that much and simply lets you get lost in its narrative ? with one kind of diabolical exception that we’ll get to after you click through like 15 slides. Just kidding about that last part. Let’s start at the beginning, as it were, and guide you through Another Eden with all of the tips, hints and other goodies I’ve gathered so far.
Another Eden Basics: Movement, Combat, and Cats
Your POV character in Another Eden is a young swordsman named Aldo. Recently promoted to his village guard unit, he has a somewhat mysterious backstory where he and his sister were abandoned as young children and found by the mayor. As tends to happen in RPGs, he ends up inadvertently becoming entangled in a much, much larger battle between good and evil that spans centu...
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