‘Arena of Valor’ News: June Version Update, The End Of Bootcamp, And A Rocky Nintendo Switch Beta

This week in Arena of Valor hasn?t felt all that significant, honestly ? but in retrospect, it?s been just as busy as any other. A new (temporary) game mode released, as did a new hero, but for some reason or another, this month?s version update just didn?t feel as grand as the last despite it buffing and nerfing nearly every character in the game. Let?s put things into perspective.
Arena of Valor Nintendo Switch Beta Arrives – But Fails To Impress
A time we?ve all been waiting for, Arena of Valor makes its wider debut on the Nintnedo Switch console close to a year after its initial reveal. Although only a closed beta test before the full release this fall, the sheer amount of beta keys being dished out by popular content creators puts a large amount of potential players in the running to try out the elongated demo. Hopefully far from a completed product ? depsite all the delays ? the Nintendo Switch beta is a little worrisome. It might seem like the better of the two versions if you?re used to playing on a low-powered mobile device, but the added visual flair used to put the Nintendo Switch?s Nvidia X1 chip to the task is either too much for the device, or has yet to be properly optimized. Load times are long, and while the menus certainly run at a smooth 60FPS, actual gameplay chugs far behind, with stutters seemingly caused by even more things to load threatens the chance of this kicking off as a Nintendo Switch Esport title.
The control options work with a bit of...
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ? Mr. Sakurai Presents ?Hero? |