‘Arena of Valor’ News: NA Makes The Cut, Sun Shows How It’s Done, And Amano Does His Thing - Videogames Blogs

‘Arena of Valor’ News: NA Makes The Cut, Sun Shows How It’s Done, And Amano Does His Thing

It?s been a wild ride for Arena of Valor (Free) fans this week. Between the World Cup Group Stage kicking off, and getting our first real look at the rest of the world?s competition, a major new skin was just revealed after a lengthy tease, and we finally know what Tencent was talking about when it started to throw Swag Sunday hashtags all over the show. So let?s check it all out!
AWC Group Stage Moves Into The Quarter Finals

After 3 somewhat short days of competition, the AWC Group Stage Quarter Final kicks off later today. The very PDT-friendly timing of it all means this individual couldn?t feasibly watch a single match without expecting a very rough morning and swift productivity call, but catching up via the official Arena of Valor Esports Twitter account make things a little easier to manage. Simply put, North America just managed to scrape a Top-8 finish to put themselves into the next leg of the competition. After a demoralizing 2-0 loss to Thailand in the opening moments of Day 1, North America came back in Day 3 to crush Singapore the same way. The same could not be said for Europe, losing to both Korea and Chinese Taipei Wildcard in Day 2 and 3. They put up a better fight against the latter, but it wasn?t enough to push them forward. On the worse end of the spectrum, South America lost in a 2-0 fashion to both China and Thailand Wildcard, denying them a place in today?s competition.
So from the 3 regions we typically cover, only North America managed to fight t...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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