‘Arena of Valor’ News: Veres, Yena, And Tel’Annas Reforged

The last few weeks of Arena of Valor has felt like treading old ground with returning skins for older characters. This week is anything but.
Other than the reappearance of the coveted Idol Liliana skin, this week’s roundup is entirely new content. We have a cool new hero to play around with, another to speculate on, a Valor Series underdog to root for, and perhaps the greatest skin intro since Steel Heart Maloch.
As the YouTube personalities are saying more often these days; let’s just jump into it.
Veres Is Here – And She’s A Prickly One
Weeks after we first expected her to release, Veres has finally arrived in Athanor. Seen as a force to be reckoned with in Taiwan, Reddit users joked about how complaints will likely fill up the website once the weekend is out. Judging by the spotlight video put out by Tencent on Twitter, however, the chance of that happening is probably pretty high. So who, or what, is Veres, anyway" A woman who’s about to make your life hell, that’s who. Veres made waves early this year when splash art of her alternate Grand Larceny skin spilled out. It depicted the character pinning infamous assassin Quillen to the ground, automatically painting her as the answer to the community’s screams to nerf Quillen’s cloak + burst toolset.
In practice, Veres commands a mysterious barbed chain whip that floats around her body. Her passive allows her to strike anyone in a donut AOE similar to Sephera’s stu...
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