‘Civilization VI’ Drops to $14.99, with IAP Scenario Packs Available for Free
Almost exactly a year ago now, Civilization VI (Free) hit the App Store, and as you can tell from our review, it absolutely knocked our socks off. Civ VI is very much a Real Game, and is probably the iPad game I spent the most cumulative time playing this year. It’s free to try, with a fully playable tutorial and then a single IAP unlock to get the rest of the game. Normally $59.99, that IAP is now discounted down to $14.99. Better yet, semi-recently they updated the game to be universal, making this a game I feel confident saying everyone needs to own. $14.99 is an absolute steal, and to go along side this sale they’re also rotating through giving away various IAP expansion packs for free.
Here’s the schedule of those promotions:
12/20 – 12/22Â Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack (Reg: $4.99)
12/22 – 12/24 Vikings Scenario (Reg: $4.99)
12/24 – 12/26Â Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack (Reg: $4.99)
12/26 – 12/28Â Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack (Reg: $8.99)
12/28 – 12/30Â Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack (Reg: $4.99)
12/30 – 1/1Â Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack (Reg: $8.99)
This whole story was actually embargoed for tomorrow when the sale was supposed to start, but thanks to the magic of how the App Store works it seems like it’s live early. Here’s what you need to know: Between now and the first of the year, the full game unlock will be $14...
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