‘Civilization VI’ Has Finally Launched on Android and You Can Try It out for Free Right Now - Videogames Blogs

‘Civilization VI’ Has Finally Launched on Android and You Can Try It out for Free Right Now

Ever since Civilization VI (Free) arrived on iOS through a surprise iPad release, we’ve been seeing it get more and more support through updates and paid DLC. The fantastic strategy game eventually made its way to Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. Civilization VI until today has only been available on mobile through iOS with no real information on when Android gamers can expect it to arrive on Google Play. The wait for the Android release is now over because Civilization VI is now available on Google Play. All currently available expansions and DLC for the iOS version are also available on Google Play. Watch the Civilization VI Android launch trailer below:

On Android, you can download Civilization VI for free on Google Play here. It might take some time to roll out worldwide. You can sample the game across 60 turns for free. After that, the full game unlock is available for $19.99 as an in app purchase. The Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm expansions are available for $29.99 and $39.99 respectively. Civilization and scenario DLC packs are available for $4.99 to $8.99 as well. Since it is free to try, you may as well download it to see how it runs on your device before checking out the DLC. As of now there’s no word on the New Frontier Expansion Pass release date for Civilization VI on iOS and Android. Read our original review of the iPad version here. We also featured it as our Game of the Week when it released. Have you tried the game on iOS or have...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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