‘Civilization VI’ Review Update – Expansions, Interface, Cross-Platform Syncing, and More - Videogames Blogs

‘Civilization VI’ Review Update – Expansions, Interface, Cross-Platform Syncing, and More

Civilization VI (Free) for iOS arrived through a surprise release on the App Store for iPad. Read our original review of the iPad version and Civilization VI at launch on iOS here. Since then, it has received a ton of paid DLC through expansions and more. Instead of just reviewing the iPhone version when it arrived or even the expansions on their own, I wanted to do a comprehensive review that looks at every aspect of the Civilization VI conversion for iPhone including cross platform syncing, the interface, visuals compared to other platforms, DLC and account issues, and more.
If you’ve never played Civilization VI before, it is a turn based strategy game where you explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate to conquer a map through various requirements or conditions. You get a lot of freedom to achieve this through paying attention to what other players or the AI is doing and keeping an eye on your own setup and expanding accordingly. While Civilization VI was not as well received initially compared to the super-polished Civilization V with all its DLC, I’ve grown to love Civilization VI over time, and the expansions have definitely helped, but there are still some annoyances in the experience.
Civilization VI Rise and Fall was the first big expansion pack for the game that brought in new civilizations and leaders in addition to new features like global eras, dark and golden ages, governors, and more. Overall, the governors part of this expansion, while great o...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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