‘Cosmic Top Secret’ is the Craziest Thing I’ve Ever Seen, Coming November 15th - Videogames Blogs

‘Cosmic Top Secret’ is the Craziest Thing I’ve Ever Seen, Coming November 15th

I have no idea where to even begin with this. Let’s start with Trine Laier. A Danish filmaker, animator, and all-around creative person, as Trine Laier was entering adulthood she discovered signs that her parents may have worked for the Danish Defence Intelligence Service during The Cold War. Basically she suspected her parents were spies. So to get answers she filmed video interviews and recorded audio interviews with her parents in an attempt to get to the bottom of things. Fast forward to 2012 and Laier released a project based around these interviews and her journey of discovery as her graduation project for the National Film School of Denmark. The project made such an impression that the following year the Danish Film Institute gave funding to Laier to turn the project into a full-blown interactive, autobiographical adventure game. Together with developer Klassefilm, Laier has been busy working on the game ever since under its name Cosmic Top Secret. So that story behind the game itself is extremely interesting, but it’s absolutely nothing compared to what the developers have created with Cosmic Top Secret, it’s absolutely unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Check out this trailer.
So if you follow the indie game scene closely chances are pretty good that you’ve heard or seen Cosmic Top Secret already, as even in development the game has earned all sorts of awards and recognition over the past few years. While its title rang a bell I pe...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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