‘Divinity: Original Sin 2’ iPad Review – Unbelievably Good - Videogames Blogs

‘Divinity: Original Sin 2’ iPad Review – Unbelievably Good

Given how great Apple’s support for older devices is, I usually hold on to my iPhone and iPad for a few years at least before looking to upgrade as long as they work fine. While I definitely regret buying the iPad 3rd generation with how underpowered it ended up being, the iPad Air 2 was a fantastic device not just for gaming but also for work. It slowly started to become sluggish with newer games and some games I wanted to play on touch didn’t support it. Upgrading to the iPad Pro 2020 has been great with how well almost everything I play runs on it but one specific game announcement pushed me more towards upgrading. That was the original WWDC reveal for Divinity: Original Sin 2 ($24.99) from Larian Studios.

After that announcement, a lot of people including myself were skeptical of how Divinity: Original Sin 2 would look and run on an actual iPad. I say this because I’ve played it on every platform now and both knowing how it runs on PS4/Xbox and how it looks and feels on Nintendo Switch made me worry the iPad version might be based on the latter despite that version being great on a technical level for the hardware. Thankfully, Divinity: Original Sin 2 (brought to iPad by Elverils) on iPad not only looks and feels great, but it offers a few things the console versions don’t have while serving as the best and most convenient way to play the game on the go? assuming you have an iPad that is capable of running it. If you’ve never played ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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