‘Dragalia Lost’ 1.2.0 Is Now Live on iOS and Android Adding Shared Skills, The Royal Regimen, Onslaught Events, and More - Videogames Blogs

‘Dragalia Lost’ 1.2.0 Is Now Live on iOS and Android Adding Shared Skills, The Royal Regimen, Onslaught Events, and More

Dragalia Lost (Free) recently had a new Fire Emblem event and added a new chapter to the main campaign. Today, a big update hass gone live on iOS and Android bringing in various new features and enhancements. As usual, a tenfold summon voucher will be sent to all players soon. Today’s update focusses on Shared Skills. You can now equip a third and fourth skill that can be used only by the team leader. The first and second shared skill have some differences as well. These skills must fit within the adventurer’s cost limit.

A new event type, onslaught events, will begin in the middle of June. These are based around solo quests. More information for these will be revealed soon. The Royal Regimen will be added beginning later tonight or early tomorrow depending on your timezone to help new players learn the basics of the game. It has three stages as of now and will include rewards for players who clear the Endeavors in each stage. The 1.2.0 update also includes balance adjustments, description changes, and more. Dragalia Lost is free to play on iOS and Android Read our review of it here. Check out our most recent Dragalia Lost guide here. Are you happy with the state of the game today and what would you like to see this year after the Fire Emblem event"
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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