‘Dream Daddy’ Review – Family First, Dating Second
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played a visual novel about a man chasing after a woman, and quite frankly that theme got exhausting quickly. But a game that does the opposite, and has you chasing after a bunch of men" That doesn’t happen quite as often. Dream Daddy (Free) is a visual novel about being a dad, befriending dads, and dating dads. The game is chock full of dad jokes and bad dad puns, yet it never gets old. More importantly, it’s a lovely take on single parenthood and the benefits of community.
You, a Dream Daddy in your own right, and your teenaged daughter Amanda have moved across town to a neighborhood entirely populated by hot single dads and their children. While there, you will help guide Amanda through the end of her senior year and towards the art school of her choosing; she will struggle with high school friendships while still becoming someone the neighborhood kids can look up to. The relationship your character has with Amanda is the pulse of the story, tying everything together while showcasing how a great dad can interact with his child. She’s turned out witty and sarcastic, and seems okay even though your spouse passed away years ago. She does sometimes hide things from her parent, but what teenager doesn’t" She’s an exceptionally good kid regardless. Wow, I sound like her actual father.
Outside of your home, there are seven dads eager to make your acquaintance. Yes, I said seven dads: there...
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