‘Fallout Shelter’ is Coming to Both PS4 and Nintendo Switch - Videogames Blogs

‘Fallout Shelter’ is Coming to Both PS4 and Nintendo Switch

While I think everyone was way more focused on Rage 2 and Fallout 76, one minor announcement that came out of Bethesda’s E3 press event was Fallout Shelter (Free) making its way to the Nintendo Switch and the Sony PS4… and it’s supposed to be available right now. (Although I don’t see it in the eShop yet.)

If you’ve never played Fallout Shelter, it’s one heck of a game. We detailed all the things we loved about it in our game of the week post, but it’s basically just a really well done base builder timer game that is dripping with Fallout fan service. It’s one of those games that is so good, I don’t really care what platform you’re playing it on as long as you give it a try.
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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