‘Fire Emblem Heroes’ Is Getting a New Update Very Soon with Improvements for iPhone X Screen Sizes, More Planned for the Month - Videogames Blogs

‘Fire Emblem Heroes’ Is Getting a New Update Very Soon with Improvements for iPhone X Screen Sizes, More Planned for the Month

Over the weekend, a new Feh Channel Broadcast aired for Fire Emblem Heroes (Free) with details on what players can expect this month for the game. Recently, the game added a paid subscription following other Nintendo mobile games to bring an optional paid subscription. The Feh Channel broadcast revealed that Fire Emblem Heroes will finally get improved support for taller phone screens. While the implementation as shown in the video below isn’t ideal, it is better than just adding some coloured bars to fill up the display. The free spaces will be filled with important information during battles now. more information will be revealed closer to the update. Watch the first full Fire Emblem Heroes Feh Channel broadcast for August below:
Barring the taller phone screen size interface improvements, the broadcast also revealed that new arena maps are finally coming to the game alongside a new seasonal event theme: pirates. The summer celebration festivities are still on in-game so make sure you login daily for freebies. The second Feh Channel broadcast for this month will go live in the middle of the month with more details for future updates. If you’ve not played Fire Emblem Heroes for a while or play it regularly, what do you think of the Feh Pass and new content"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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